Ready To Learn 3 Column

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Walking in their shoes

We’re about to start an inquiry called ‘‘Walking in their shoes’’. Our simulated ‘‘Earthquake Disaster’’ was held on Monday last week. It was designed to help engage us in our new topic , further our survival skills when our resources are limited & help us relate better to the people who the earth quake has affected.

It got us wondering around the topic of disasters. These are some of the initial questions we want to find the answers to as we go along :

If there was no way for people to get to us what will happen?-Rebekka

Would we have the right resources ? -Mariah

If your scuba diving & a tsunami hits you will you be safe or will you be hurt ?- Leaniva

What is a fault line & how is it caused ?- Hannah

What was the biggest tsunami recorded & where was it ?- Bo

What if Ashhurst school was hit by an earthquake ? How would it make us feel ?- Atze

What was the biggest earth quake ever recorded ?- Nat

Would other countries want to help like they did with christchurch if we had a large earthquake ? - Gracen

What machines would they have put inside the rubble ? -Oscar

How do tectonic plates move ? - Jack

Those were some of our wonderings. Do you have any you would like to share with us ?

Posted by Hannah.